Insurance Resolutions for the New Year


Hello, it’s Chip Fridrich wishing you and your family a Happy and Blessed New Year.

My father was always big on making resolutions and writing them down. That way you could always refer to them throughout the year. In the area of staying safe and smart with your risk management decisions for the coming year, let’s talk about a few possibilities that you might consider:

Make a resolution that you will quit texting, surfing the web, and using your smart device while you are driving. People are dying every day or are involved in horrific accidents because of distracted driving. If something is that urgent, pull over to a safe place to use your device. Auto rates are climbing every year as this trend worsens. And just as important, set the right example for your kids. If they see you text and drive, you don’t have much leverage when they do the same.

Make a resolution that driving under the influence is something you will never consider doing. With so many options out there today with ride sharing companies, there’s no reason to even try and risk getting pulled over or better yet risk your life or someone else’s. The result of a DUI is four to five years with a substandard carrier and extremely high rates, lawyer fees, the potential loss of your driving privileges, and jail time. Make the right call and grab a ride not only during the holiday season but in any instance where you have been drinking.

Decide to use technology and devices to ensure that your home is safe. Consider a portable safety ladder if you live in a two-story home, make sure you properly use your fire and theft protection devices by actually turning them on, buy a carbon monoxide monitor, and look into purchasing a camera system to help deter thefts. All these that I just mentioned are economical and could help save a life.

And finally, make the call this year to educate yourself about your insurance program weather you are a business owner or a homeowner. Insurance is not a commodity, and this is something that must be better understood by consumers. Your insurance coverage is an extremely important part of your financial protection. Treat it that way. There’s so much misinformation out there today. Make it a resolution to be more informed about your program.

And if you are looking for an insurance partner to help you in this educational process, our Agency would love to help. We have the experience, the knowledge, the empathy, and the markets to help you map out a plan for your family or business that makes sense today and well into the future.

Check us out at FPA.INSURE or drop us an email at

Once again, I wish you a very Happy New Year from all of us at Fridrich, Pinson & Associates.




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